They are hidden during half of the year, at heart affirm its roots of the pool, lake or borders of the river, preparing itself to wake up in Spring. Thus they are the Nenfar personalities, living between the ends, preparing […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged the news
Sometimes these rages can obnubilar brings back to consciousness and to create psicticas, although frankly transitory reactions and with paranoiac characteristics. The narcisista rage understands the aggressiveness like instrument-technology-strategy of the subject one on the other and itself: it operates […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today the North American government allows with total impunity, and until of concealed way he finances, to pages Web of he cuts to terrorist like those of Alpha 66 and the one of the radio broadcasting station the Powerful one, […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The military High Commands of the USA, have begun to work in a strategy military for the Cyberspace. October a new area of the American Air Force would enter operation, to the control of a commander of the cyberspace, with […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In order to learn to use Gimp it visits: Open Office Suite of Productivity (Alternative Free for Office de Microsoft) Of this suite Impress used mainly that is the alternative to Microsoft Power Point where I elaborate all class of […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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