They are predestinold to yearn for an improvement of conditions, does not matter which can be its perspective of vida' '. (TINBERGEN) 2 In the Northeast Region of Brazil, where if they find nine states (Maranho, Piau, Cear, Rio Grande of the North, Paraiba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia and Sergipe) more than occupying 1,5 million of squared kilometers, the social indices are very low. According to Register April, meets, there, the 150 Brazilian cities with bigger tax of malnutrition. For who if it worries about problems of subdesenvolvimento in regions of fragile ecology, as it is the case of the northeast Half-Barren Zone, the Polygon of the Droughts, the consideraes above must be object of deep reflection. In this area, where the water resources, ground and vegetation are scarce, techniques handling of hdricos resources and grass do not have to be forgotten, and preservation in agriculture. The bushes that border the rivers, as well as its sources, also deserve protection.
the chemical job of agrotxicos and fertilizers must be prevented, prioritizing the seasoning job organic. I know that much courage is necessary to assume the responsibility to consider the search of a proper identity for agriculture sertaneja. If our climate is different, has that adapting in them to this difference, from the comcepo of one realistic politics. Who was Otomar de Carvalho better described the Northeast of Brazil as a region problem. ' ' Not it is difficult to understand that an area, with ample territorial extension, that presents scarce or reduced availabilities of natural resources, either abundant in man power, with qualifications little diversified, and poor person in tenologia, and that, in addition, either submitted the constant climatic crises, even so discontinous, it can be characterized as an area problema' '. (CARVLHO) 3 Without disagreeing with the master, we would only desire to add that, specifically, the statement better characterizes the Polygon of the Droughts of what the Ample Northeast.
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