Fantasy authors, new youth Roman Wilon wide water review Stuttgart newspaper book review books Roman Wilon wide water 26.01.2010 17:30:05 twins in the realm of fantasy Hemmingen Jan and Kai Niens are in the secondary authors: together, the brothers write their books. By Franziska Kleiner if you don’t know where you want to, how to get the most.” These words of Narrs in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” are a chapter of the new youth fantasy novel “WILON wide water” prepended. Possibly can be also the twins Jan and guide of Kai Niens: the book is already the third work of the authors grew up in Hemmingen. So far two volumes of Morin trilogy were published. The brothers lead its readers into unknown worlds with fantastic creatures: “our human culture here on Earth is characterized by economy, religion, science, and technology. This story is to kidnap you now in a different culture. Magic, magic and fantasy, maybe even a little technology, but only so much prevail here, as is necessary to life,”is the beginning.

The hero is called Balcombe Aurum and is an aquatic species of the Slumi genus. He has a desire to save the endangered North reef from extinction. “We all live on this earth and she is only on loan and precious to deal with her”, stands in the dedication of the 550 pages of strong youth book. The 1972-born brothers write, what drives them to, fantastic characters with fantastic names Act. Of course they were represented, at book fairs tells Jan Niens.

There it was “quite fun” and often surprising encounters would be with representatives of publishing houses, but also with graphic designers. Such contacts help you – especially since the operator also a comic plan. The twins, who actually earned their money as industrial or construction mechanic, do everything myself in her avocation as authors. They write not only books, they make even the envelopes for Fantasy design. Her biggest passion next to the write is drawing with charcoal and Airbrush. They also design matching jewelry pieces to their stories and a gun collection, which is not suitable for use in battle. They are working so long on a game idea with their characters, until the prototype on the table lies – and they find a Publisher, which publishes the game to the book. Even if the two make money now with her books: “Author by profession would not be I”, says Jan Niens. The craft would constantly “on the bottom of the facts get him back”. The letter was “a hobby that gives him pleasure”. He says this to his brother, with whom he jointly designed the books and writes. That they jumped up in times of Harry Potter on a trend, however, questioned the twins, who were born in 1972: “we do what pleases us – and with fantasy you can express all thoughts”, explains Jan Niens. They could contemplate about the domination of some people, imagine all possible scenarios and handle everyday hassles. Source: Stuttgarter Zeitung / Stuttgarter Nachrichten 26.01.2010