But the Government exhausted its forces so that adoption of the reform and more thirst for black gold, can export crude oil to countries as it is the case of China, India and emerging countries, which still depend on oil for transport and petrochemicals. Contrary to this black gold fever, several analysts have come to talk of a curse of resources that is not limited to oil, but includes metals, minerals, rubber, other agricultural products and, already at present, blue gold (water). Modern political geography has been marked by the merit of having those resources, which determined the partition of Africa at the Berlin Conference of 1885, without taking into account the cultural and ethnic affinities of the indigenous peoples. Similarly, France and Britain divided Middle East the last century, while Portuguese and Dutch did the same with the archipelagos of Southeast Asia. Despite the curse of oil many nowadays, black gold allowed an unprecedented industrial revolution contributed to significant progress for humanity. The steam engine allowed transporting coal, base of the textile industry, steel production and heavy industry, road and maritime transport in large quantities. Transporting food over long distances and its cooling, as well as pumping water in large quantities were possible. Also, the energy of natural gas contributed to the utilization of nitrogen from the atmosphere and its conversion to nitrate, process that responds to the 80 percent of the increase in cereal production in the 20th century. But humanity mistook the takeoff with the development of political and economic systems with a sense of social justice which were not only based on an arbitrary allocation of resources, source of political, economic instability and social. Thus, new takeoff through diversification economic, useful also for the economies of the brick and those of countries who has been fooled by the advantages of the monoculture for export of goods. Carlos Miguelez Monroy Periodista original author and source of the article.
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