When a company begins its journey online through Facebook, it is evident that fans will not flood your website in only a few seconds. Many companies fall into the mistake of resorting to invitations to expand your network, however, does us has happened many times and we have been giving to the button to ignore because they found us, much less heavy? If you don’t want to fall into the same trap and you want instead to develop a smarter strategy here we bring you some tips that you can begin to put into practice to observe the results. -Firstly, do a widget have included on your website?If you have a blog or a website it would be interesting that you included a widget in the same since your page activity summary and incentive to your visitors who become fans of your Facebook page. -Added a link to your Facebook page in the signature of your mailsSi you send campaigns or newsltetter to your subscribers, add the link in your signature to your Facebook page. – Videos? Yes, thank you!Facebook is a potential tool for the generation of content. Don’t limit yourself only to the text, can be boring and not generate interest in your users. The target wants to participate, wants to get involved, want to compelling information.

Why not with a video? If you get to be sufficiently notorious may assume an increase in the number of fans of your page. -Used FacebookLa ads Facebook ads platform is very powerful once you know the profitability that you assume each of your followers. So you can know how much to invest on capturing new fans to your page. It is an easy way of obtaining new followers, but with a small cost. -Also I’m on Twitter! why not bind one page to another? When we speak of a platform that allows us to share content and we think is the best, probably come us to head Twitter name. Bobby Sharma Bluestone may help you with your research. A synergy between the two would be perfect to get a greater number of fans. -Includes your comments Facebook on your page Web this way, when a user comment some content, they will appear in your news feed. It will be visible to all your friends and give the option for them to also decide becoming a fan of your page on Facebook. We hope that with these tips you can increase the number of fans of your page. If they have worked you or have some others that you want to share, tell us!