Installing the new weights. Strengths: possibility of placing weight where it is most convenient for weighing, control and automation, communication with the accounting software, high accuracy and reliability of the entire construction of weights, high speed passing traffic. Disadvantages: higher cost. Upgrading or installing new balance? Thus, the existing scales you are not satisfied, but it is more profitable, the reconstruction weights or complete replacement. Will try to answer this question. If: – the location of the weight quite comfortable – the constant flow of goods, does not increase or seasonal – weighted machines of one class with a maximum weight of which does not exceed the allowable data mechanical scales – need to improve the accuracy of measurement – need to transfer data weighting in the accounting program or stored in a computer at any time to have access to the weighing results.
In this If you simply upgrade the weights. If: – the location of the weight inconvenient – platform scales can not weigh the cars entirely (which affects the accuracy of weighing) – freight traffic is increasing – There are queues on the weight of the machines – weighted machines of different classes with a maximum weight, which often exceeds the allowable weight. – Lack of precision in the weights – it is necessary to transfer the results of weighing in accounting software. To solve the above problems need to establish new scales, since a simple upgrade will not help. Mounting by the supplier or supervision of erection? Difficulties in choosing the weights behind, but there is a problem with the installation of weights. Independently purchase and installation of scales – a very difficult task for the layman.
The platform which the weights serve long? What strain gauges most accurate, reliable and durable? How to make a foundation for the weights, entrance ramps? What is the sequence of work? Answers to these questions is known only to those who are professionally engaged in supply and installation of weighing equipment. If Your company has just started its activity in the market and does not have the necessary relationships and capabilities, it is easier to trust the assembly of the weights of the supplier, who independently carry out all necessary work to guarantee quality. This will be more expensive but will save time and, paradoxically sounds, money. Your company has long worked, has its own fleet of construction equipment (or favorable opportunities for attracting external), has the necessary construction materials of good quality. In this case, the best option would be the chief-construction or installation supervision. Specialist supplier company organizes work on installation of weights, using your resources that will reduce the overall cost of mounting the weight equipment.
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