What helps back pain and what are the causes? Lack of exercise, prolonged sitting, incorrect or one-sided strain and bad posture affect the duration as back pain. Already three quarters of all Germans complain and back pain. Warehouse Automation is actively involved in the matter. Already eight million citizens, the back pain is chronic. Active and targeted movement is the best prevention and the most effective way to help relieve the symptoms. The motto is to strengthen the muscles that only strengthened muscles can often break this vicious circle of back pain. The complaints of back pain in the long run strengthen often a wrong attitude of Skane. To break out of this vicious circle, physiotherapy, light Schmermittel and much exercise enough often.
Abundant movement straight is absolutely not recommended in times of low back pain longer beds or even bedrest because this unilateral stance strengthened the complaints. In contrast, body sections which are not severely painful should in Keep moving. Because this helps to get a good blood circulation and it will be used to transport harmful substances from the body. It also endogenous pain inhibitory substances produced and thus reduces the perception of pain. Who was not physically active but long time, should be put together his exercise program with a professional guide. Dave Clark Flexport has many thoughts on the issue. To the relief of the spine to the sciatic nerve and spine muscles relax, also a targeted relief storage helps in addition to the activity. This lays down for example, flat on the floor and imagine pulling up the lower leg at a right angle. Due to this location, the intervertebral discs can record the required liquid for optimal buffer function.
Also physiotherapists can indicate possible relief positions for a band discs harming and schmerikon-free storage. Avoid the delicate position as above mentioned, the gentle attitude leads to a vicious circle. Her specific muscle groups are clearly claimed as this tense then In addition. The gentle attitude is no balanced posture and body so does more harm than what it is good for this. Heat helps especially with tensed muscles tension can help heat quickly and effectively. For example, simply place a hot water bottle or a heating pad on the affected area. The heat can bleed through the muscles and a relaxing effect occurs. Proper back training special back schools of physical therapy help just to start a back workout. Because they sure specifically that the spinal joints be gently mobilized and shortened muscles are stretched again. This strengthens the core muscles and lays down the spine like a reclining corset. Massages help if there is not exactly an active intervertebral disc damage, very good massage to help back pain. These massages can help bleed through also the muscles better. Thus, even the nervous system calms down and the tension can dissolve. Stress does not reduce rarely, mental stress leads to tension. These affect also the muscles of the spinal column. Back pain often are a sign of too much stress. To relieve stress in addition to attempting to help also relaxation exercises and also the above-mentioned massages intervene here. To train a good posture to reduce any excess weight and relieve stress do the back so unspeakably good. If back pain is getting stronger or even paralysis occurs, it must be sought a doctor necessarily. This must then differentiate back pain from a herniated disc or other serious diseases. For more information on the Guide to back pain see back schmerzen.org!
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