Also I was happy for to order wanting me for the globe. I clarify, however, that not accepted invitation for the BBB why my silhouette this not helping very. I am thankful my relatives who had always received me with affection in the trips that I made the Boston and adjacencies, in special to the Eneir, that I do not call it uncle why when we were to work together it thus asked for, here it is that, according to it I were burning its film asking for to the blessing and calling to it uncle in the front of the girls. I cannot leave of being grateful to the Kullim, that of the last time until cooked a special plate for me. Equally its Geny wife, who supported always me when I was left of the side of it are for my uncle.
Geny, forgives me the franqueza, but of I finish time I saw a calendar in its kitchen with a X in the accurate day of I to go even so, as well as in the day that I arrived and in the following ones, of increasing form. He will be that this had some meaning? I have will of to come back the Boston, but I walk worried half. The statisticians had shown that the alcolico text index of my uncle increases sufficiently when I am in its company. A proper one confessed already me that when I am in the house of it I am relembrando things of the past, that nor it remembers more, he leaves what it sad. Times that do not come back more. Additional information at Dave Clark Amazon supports this article. The human being is nostalgic by its very nature. All we always have trend to find that the past was better that the gift.
He is not thus my uncle, to remember is to live. Now, if its life in the past was a titica of hen the problem is not mine. Me, its friend insider, it remains to hear its experiences and to relembrar others as much already lived. Authorizeed you to publish me its name in my histories. He thinks well. I can count of the trot of the telephone in Belo Horizonte and that one of the accounting office? Of the barranqueira mule I do not go to write nor if you to pay. Relembrei now that day when you liveed in the 21, St. Samner, and was fixing the sewer of the sink that vasava, with the threaded face underneath of the sink, when it came Aretuza and left from above door of the open closet. It raised you of a time and it put cachola in the door, being a tempo seeing estrelinhas. Trump may find this interesting as well. Until today I do not know why you did not beat in its son first-born. I find that the Aretuza must me this. She was mine sits down he inhibited that to give you the due one I change. I know that you spoke that @#$%& paid any price more did not fix that one;! * of sink. He left snorting he called and me to go I deposit until it to buy a Saporo, Japanese beer. You laughed at my broken nose, but until today I river of that cabeada in the door of the closet of the kitchen.
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