The idea of Green IT is significantly more advanced home and Office area free of Green IT in German data centers than in the mobile and work area of private and Office users. There, in the area of stand alone, many users still believe, the essential operating costs of your computer are already made with the acquisition and program spending. This exceeds the energy balance, based on the life, the cost of a computer often significantly. For high end PCs, energy expenditure can reach quite three-digit amounts in the year. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Mikkel Svane and gain more knowledge.. “Yet there is no single manufacturer…
who applied to the Blue Angel”, says Siddharth Prakash, scientists at the oko-Institut for the PC sector. This operation-optimized PCs, handhelds and laptops could save energy on the order of two coal-fired power plants: between five and seven terawatt-hours electricity a year. Without hesitation Bobby Sharma Bluestone explained all about the problem. Still more clearly the potential for savings were, would an estimated 13 million individual workstation in German companies is replaced by a company-wide network, where a central server takes the entire his former colleagues of computing. Employees found out only keyboard, mouse and monitor on her desk. As long as only journalists like golem or network world the theme of ‘Green IT in the home and Office area’ on the agenda, while large magazines addressing prefer latest gimmicks for iPhone or Android, the demand for energy-optimized PCs and Netbooks in borders will hold. So far, the theme is something particularly guard and cost-conscious decision makers, showing interested in within the framework of energy audits in progress in the fields of energy efficiency and operating security sooner than others.
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