The concept of open systems have paradigmatic value and has been applied to the study of the interactions between the animate and inanimate worlds on our planet although computational modeling has led to an arbitrary variables and parameters choice and a calculation when least pseudo exact. The information theory is extrapolated in the biological domain. DNA is a message that guides and program operation of the cell. Playback would be understood as a copy of the message and the mutation as a provocative noise error in the Constitution of the new message. The cell can then be cibernetizada and the key element of that explanation is in the information. Perhaps missing by developing a general theory of organizations which reveals the common principles of organization in living things (self-organization). As background, Von Neumann described the differences between the organized artifact and living machine autorganizadora.
Artificial machine components are extremely reliable, but the machine as a whole is much less reliable than its isolated components and it can only be repaired by an external system intervention. Living machine components are, on the contrary, very unreliable since it will degrade quickly. In an organism, constantly renewing both molecules and cells, but the body remains identical to itself (the whole is reliable while their constituents are less). Therefore, there is a difference of nature between the two types of systems and also There is an inherent between disorganization (entropy) and self-organization loop, since the phenomenon of sprawl continues its course in the living and linked inseparably to the phenomenon of the reorganization. This foundation of self-organization does not depend on the logic that applies to mechanical things and postulates a logic of complexity. Cybernetics acknowledged the complexity to surround it by putting it into a black box, making it possible to study the results of operation of the system based on their entries.
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